Having been in Vietnam for a week we still have many unforgettable flashbacks in Taiwan. Looking back we feel extremely grateful for the last 10 days there when we had countless incredible experiences during our 1 week of exchange work in Uncle Tien’s organic farm and hiking in the breathtaking Taroko Gorge (definitely our favorite hike in Taiwan)! In the organic farm we learned a lot from Uncle Tien about how he runs the organic farm and overcomes the daunting challenges. We really enjoyed the farm work as it was so diverse, meditative and satisfying. We also met new friends and made special memories when we had breakfast in the forest with the first morning sunshine bursting out. We went for hot springs and stayed until the guards chase us out and one night we invited ourselves to a neighbor’s karaoke party… We wrote both of the farm exchange work experiences in our travel blog here: https://blog.shiwannes.com/posts/23-12-uncle-tien/ Moving on to the next chapter: Vietnam 🇻🇳 Really curious about what new experiences are ahead of us!