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Hanoi poledance

Had to remove background music due to copyright issue on Youtube.

The dance video for Vietnam has to be a pole dance because it was definitely one of my biggest highlights and enjoyments from the 1 month stay in Vietnam. In my impression pole dance seems to be underrated/ judged because people tend to relate it to erotic performance, which is okay. But pole dance is actually an amazing sport as it works wonders for strength and flexibility improvements. It is empowering because it makes us feel strong and confident. Although the beginner mistakes still frustrate me like spinning speed control, forgetting to point toes and straighten knees, Iā€™m still proud of my progress!šŸ’Ŗ Huge thanks to @icon.pdstudio, where I met so many sweet friends who share the same passion. I miss the gorgeous studio and all the instructors especially @maiiimiaaa and Laina you girls are the game-changers for my pole dancing journey! MUA šŸ’‹